Saturday, December 27, 2014

sculpt crafter 6, by Contagious Republic

Sculptcrafter inworld sculptor, free version available too! Version 6.313

Details Features Contents Reviews (7) This is the full version of SculptCrafter (feel free to also get the free version in the 3DBuildEasy or the Ferox sandbox).
Theoretically you can stay with the Free version and make free sculpts in ny sandboxes for life . But we know you will be so happy and buy it anyway).
Even as a Freebie user you have access to our community.
Professional tool with its own multilingual support website and tutorial films(includes free updates for life), if you are looking to test drive the free demo to create infinite full perm sculpties you can do that in our sandbox:
Links that you might like to click and see:
* Teleport to the 3DBuildEasy sandbox with a SculptCrafter fully functionnal demo!
* Study the multilingual Manual Online
* Watch the YOU TUBE film
SculptCrafter will allow you to turn most linksets into sculpties in less than two minutes! You will feel it is as easy as building blocks, and can master or use the tool 10 times as fast as any other decent tool!
* Easy to use, if you spend 1 hour on getting familiar with the tool, you get nice professional looking results
* The only tool for newbies to make sculpts. You will have access to building courses plus sculpting courses.
* It is the best tool for furniture, houses and so on where you use clear not organical forms.
* Its special architecture allows far finer details on sculpts than any other tool
* Free Updates
* Own Sandbox for our Community
Capacity of full version:
* All prims can be freely positioned, sized, rotatated
* Box: shear, taper (42 per sculptie), They can do hollow (square holes) at 36 per sculpt.
* Plank: shear, taper (same shape as box but 64 per sculpt; textures somewhat diagonally at top/bottom). They can do hollow (square holes) at 36 per sculpt.
* Spike: shear, taper, must stay pointy (85 per sculpt).
* Crude sphere: kinda low rez (28 per sculpt). Can do dimple by 0.25 increments.
* Nice sphere: quadruple precision of the crude one. (7 per sculpt). Can do dimple by 0.125 increments.
* Cylinder: shear, taper, hollow (round hole), cut, adjustable number of sides for roundness/prim savings. 23 per sculpt if not cut and using the default 8 sides per cylinder.
* Prim types can be mixed!
* Prims that are not on the list are not supported until now, but we are still developping. New prims are part of the free updates.
* Autoupdates
* Free Access to private sandbox area
* a Free high precision builder grid even with the DEMO version !!!
P.S.: If you think the full version is too expensive, make some sculpties with the free versiondemo and sell 'em!
most recent improvements:
* Menu is clarified, and plugins users get one more option!
* Bug fixes!
P.P.S.: Smart builders don't limit themselves to one sculptie tool unless they're very, very specialized; however most people with no 3D tool experience find SculptCrafter the best first tool to get and the permanent leader of sharp-edged sculpts and extreme prim savings.
P.P.P.S.: don't you wish you could make the physical presence of sculpt shaped like the apparence of the sculpt so you could walk on it? Check out my other tools for the anwser: ghostcrafter!
So you can create free fullperm sculpties freebies with our Free version, which is also our Demo version.


SculptCrafter 6 release

Sorry we had a problem with Contagious Hippo update being bugged and slow, all is fixed now, just rez your SculptCrafter 5.61 and get the update, older version, get the demo version and fill your proof of purchase (you find it inside the SculptCrafter disk) in your new SculptCrafter disk. Versions before 4.91 may have problems, if you have an older version and it did not work for you, you will have to ask Contagious for a replacement.


Actually the changes look minor on the first sight, you get hollow cubes.

But Contagious made a COMPLETELY NEW ENGINE for you that is fit for the future.

Only the disk has now scripts, YES you got that right, you can just connect your old SCRIPTLESS builds. It only has to follow some basic rules:

- only use the traditional supported prims and only forms that are supported by SC (unsupported prims will blink red)
- the build cannot be bigger than the traditional 10x10x10 bounding box (will change for plugin users, see BB plugin below)
- spheres will be by default treated as "nice precision spheres" and cubes as boxes, not planks, finetuning is possible, we will release a special manual for that duringthe next week

However this increases the usability highly. You can now "sculpt" the fullperm builds of partners and employees, without any additional hassles. It makes SculptCrafter the ideal tool for teamworking and refurbishing of old builds.


Sculptcrafter has now a built in interface to connect third party plugins !!! you don't see it, you don't feel it, but this is the most likely greatest achievement of the new release.

So next weekend  the first new revolutionary third party plugins get released.  They will enhance SculptCrafter builds a lot:

- Precision Level of Detail (LOD) plugin for SculptCrafter 1.0 - increase the optical quality of your builds for all viewers at all distances
- Flexible Bounding Box (BB, BBox) plugin for SculptCrafter 2.0 - chose any bounding box side as you need it

more plugins are to come before years end.

Manual for v4.24

Welcome to the sculptie-O-matic!

This tool will show you how to turn box/sphere/cylinder/pyramid linksets into acceptable sculpties without having to install software on your computer.

With this tool you should have rezzed something called "S-O-M basic box" and some other shapes. These are the prims you will be using.  ("S-O-M" is short for "Sculptie-O-Matic")

NOTE: you can't use freshly created prims for this, you have to use the ones I supply and don't change their prim type!

1- Put Sculptie-O-matic prims (NOT regular) prims in any shape you want, up to 42 boxes or 28 spheres or 23 cylinders or 85 spikes (or some mix of those). Some people just use the prims that come with the demo without moving them, just to learn the process, but you can probably make yourself some stairs. See ADVICE AND LIMITATIONS section for what works.

2- Make sure you don't have 2 faces that exactly overlap (it would cause the sculptie to flicker at the spot where they overlap). It's OK that 2 prims go thru one another if they don't have an exact overlap face.

3- Once you have a nice linkset of Sculptie-O-matic prims (or prims with Sculptie-O-matic box/sphere/cylinder/spike scripts dragged in), link them all with the diskette, with the diskette selected last so it is "root". Just remember that twist/cut is not supported and that hollow only works on cylinders...

4- If the the diskette is not green, reset script(s) in it. That is done under the Tool menu, only visible when you select objects.

5- Touch the diskette. It becomes dark blue. Wait about 2 seconds, touch again, it becomes red/black. You should soon receive a large text file in chat. (it can occasionally fail, if nothing happens after 10 seconds you may need to reset all scripts or something)

6- Open up the Local chat tab, and copy the huge text file, from "begin 777"... to ..."end" (including those words. Do not worry about "cleaning up" the file in the middle). Some of your usual cut-and-paste methods may not work here, use control-c or open the "edit" menu at the topleft of your window and pick Copy.

7- Open firefox or Internet Explorer (not SL's browser). Paste that large text into the large textbox at   (other uudecode tools will work but this one is very easy). You might want to bookmark that site, you'll use it often enough before you decide to download an utility that does the same thing as explained in the FAQ!

8- Click the "Decode" button. You may have to scroll a bit down to see it. Do not worry about the error message, it only says it's not text (it's a binary picture).

9- Scroll a bit down, click the green "Save to file" button. You'll be able to download the 512x8 pixel rectangular sculptie.

10- Under FILE in the upper left corner of your Second Life screen, choose Upload Image and make sure there is a check in the checkbox for "Use lossless compression" or there will be ugly spikes. Notice the sculptie-preview of second life may not work correctly (the 1.22 viewer allows you to preview it with the wrong stitching, which is better than nothing; the 1.21 viewer shows nonsense).

11- Rez a normal *BOX* (NOT a sphere), make it phantom and change it to a sculptie under the Objects tab. If you forgot to make it phantom, it will have a physical presence the size of an equivalent sphere.

12- Set "stitching type" to "Plane" or "none". If you forget your boxes/spheres will sort of look like pacmans or sometimes much weirder, and sometimes just flicker annoyingly.

13 (optional)- Add texture or color. For your very first object go simple, a repeating texture could be either tweaked for about 32 vertical repetitions, or use a 1024x16 texture.

14- If something went wrong, check out the hall of cheesy errors in the sculptie-O-matic sandbox to see if you recognize what error you made. All errors exhibited there give you notecards if you click them, and are freely copiable full perm items so you can see what went wrong well. You can also read the FAQ, and join the Sculptie-O-matic group for further help and info.


-Certain viewers are buggy due to config files from older viewers, and cannot upload an image losslessly even after a full SL viewer reinstall. If hunting down where buggy config files and lots of reinstalls to get it fixed sounds like too much work, download SLImageUpload (by Eddy Stryker) which was created specifically to get around this bug. It can be found at Republic/

-This sculptie tool currently supports only the box/sphere/cylinder/pyramid(aka the "spike") primitives.

-It only does position, rotation, size, shear, taper on boxes - position, rotation, size, shear, taper, adjustable round hole on cylinders - and position, rotation, size on spheres.

-Spikes have an ugly seam on the bottoms, so only use it if you're willing to live with that for the purpose of putting more prims per sculpt. It does anime hair, and well ... spikes ... really well!

-If you change a prim into another kind of prim the script will not work! The box script only does boxes and the sphere script only does spheres, etc.

-The output sculptie will be the approximate but not exact size of the original linkset, if you put the sculptie object to 10x10x10 meters. The sculptie-O-matic's positions work by steps of 4 centimeters, so don't work too small or alignment may be awful... try at least 1x1x1 meters linkset even when working on something really simple.

-If you want maximum precision, make a a large linkset (but not TOO large, any point beyond 5 meters away from root center will fail). Precision is gained at the cost of less LOD-problem prevention.

-Don't sit on any of those prims while you are running any of the scripts, it causes bugs.

-If you make some of the prims 51% transparent or more and then do a "reset scripts in selection" under tools, temporary red spheres will appear where the script will put sculptie corners. This is incredibly useful to align things when it's not obvious!

-Please discard any demo and prims older than version 4.0 the sculpties they make may have terrible bugs when SL viewer version 1.23 comes out! Safe new prims are color-coded sky blue for convenience.

-The cylinder's number of sides can be adjusted - just change the first number in the prim description.

-The demo version will only work in the Sculptie-O-matic sandbox which is where you get the demo at, and also work anywhere during the 1rst of each month. Keep that in mind when you or a friend are using the demo.

-You will have tech support from coming to the sandbox and asking around, joining the free Sculptie-O-matic group (that's Sculptie with a capital "S"), and looking up the halls next to the sandbox to recognize your errors in the hall of cheesy errors... and basic texture tricks in the hall of cheesy texture tricks. If you're lucky I might be in the sandbox for my daily tech support (random hours)

Buying the full version lifts the "do it in sandbox" restriction, and grants free upgrades for life on sculptie shapes tools.


Free Prim Dispenser

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