Wednesday, October 29, 2014

New Media : Virtual World Art, 3d building from sl to rl, and the links:: Nude Descending a Staircase avatar :: Tasrill Sieyes

Tasrill Sieyes, the Resident who had made Duchamp's legendary painting come alive, I found out this abstract avatar was only the beginning-- or rather, the summation in a long career of abstract avatars as a medium of expression.


Maria Rimbaud told me that Marcel Duchamp's "Nude Descending a Staircase" had taken on avatar form, and so naturally, I had to know more. 
When I finally caught up with Tasrill Sieyes, the Resident who had made Duchamp's legendary painting come alive, I found out this abstract avatar was only the beginning-- or rather, the summation in a long career of abstract avatars as a medium of expression.  And, of course, a furry with octopus arms. 
After the break, my profile of Tasrill, avatar artist. 
On what inspired the Duchamp avatar.
Well, I was showing someone my abstract avatars that I have made, and they mentioned that making a 3D form of Duchamp’s “Nude Descending a Staircase” would be great... [S]he loves the painting and after seeing my other work she wanted to see what it would look like transformed into SL form.
One thing led to another and she commissioned me to make this piece, and I fell in love with making it. She let me retain the design, and even told me I could sell it if I wanted, but I haven't done that… It was [my default avatar for] a few weeks. Then I made some new ones that I wore and I wore some of my more "normal" avatars, too.
How does it feel to embody Duchamp's painting?
It is an interesting feeling. Kind of... freeing. I am not bound by the normal limits of anthropomorphic avatar.  And I can think far more artistically. I don't know [why], to be honest. I don't think too much about how my various bits of art make me feel, I just let them make me feel, and let it wash over me.
By time spent, I have been abstract more then I have been anything else. [M]y first one I made was just an experiment over a year ago. Just to see what I could do with invisibility prims. But then I started talking to people, and I loved the reactions I got. When I am abstract, I don't have to worry about the preconceived notions of gender, race, or anything else but someone’s view on abstract art. I can just be pure intellect.
Is there any one avatar that you feel most personally associated with?
[I]n general I am an avatar vagabond. Moving from one form to another as my whims take me.
There is one that is the most me. I have had it for a year now, and wear it when I am building things.
Tasrill rummages in his inventory, then transforms into his most natural state.  Which, as happens, is this:
A spider furry?
Well, a fox with tentacles.
 What's the point of that?
The point of tentacles?
On a fox, yeah.
Well, I like how the look and the things I can do with them. The roleplaying limits of multiple limbs are boundless.
But why on a fox, as opposed to something that makes more biological sense?
[I]t seemed right on this fox. It is a rather frightening and kind of Goth fox, but I wanted something more. Something different. So I grew these tentacles and have loved them ever sinse. It is not like tentacles make much sense on anything but squid and octopuses, and well, getting those to work right on SL is a non-starter. I have tried.
I've wondered about this with furries, a lot of them are not just furries, but robot furries, or Star Trek furries, or something-something furry, as if being a man-sized raccoon wasn't fantastic enough. Why is that, do you think?
The biggest is that there are only so many furry avatar vendors. Humans have more [avatar adjustment] sliders involving their face then there are furry avi creators, much less the millions of combinations that all those sliders can make.
[A]nother is that some people are so attached to their furry form that it is them in all ways. And adding their other likes to it is just natural to them, as a person adding [attachments] to their human avatar.
Abstact avatars as psychic expression.
I do have some avatars that have a deeper meaning to me. Some emotion I was trying to capture, but with those, I try not and tell what that emotion is.  It either captures the emotion to other people without words, or I didn't do a good enough job on it.
We go outside, where and Tasrill becomes black, barbed, and spikey. 
What emotion are you trying to express with this?
You know, I won't tell you that. I let the piece stand on its own. Though I can tell you that this one is named Twisted. Since I already give that much away at my little store/gallery.
How do you feel when you wear it?
Twisted, coiled, bound, confused, and other emotions I can't quite name.
I think I have an avatar for most every big feeling I have felt in the last year.
Tasrill, the person behind the abstract avatars.
Right now, I work at a pipe fabrication shop, but I am going back to school to [study] architecture in the Fall. [O]ther then making my shop, I don't build buildings. I like making sculptures and avatars here more.
 Does your architectural skill influence your avatar creation?
Yes, I think it does. Maybe the late nights just fried my brain a bit, but it has taught me to be more creative and adventurous in what I do. I just have to get some emotion out of me, so I start building and then one of these comes out in the end. I just pour my emotions into them and see what comes out.
Your begin creating avatars with no clear form in mind?
Yes, they are best called a stream of consciousness [work]. I just start with making some prims and working it over in different shapes and combinations to see what it looks like. Then one thing becomes two, and then I start making objects and attaching them until I end up with something like this.
Tasrill transforms into another avatar, all crests of chrome surfaces.
So you made this when you were in a happy mood, and in love like a girl in Spring?
[Laughs] No, very much a different mood. But as to which mood I won't say. I already seem to have given away my other one.
Deep thanks to Maria Rimbaud, who first told me about Tasrill Sieyes' avatar.  See the entire "All About My Avatar" series here
Is there another fascinating avatar out there I should know all about?  E-mail me, or IM Hamlet Au, and tell me more.


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3d printing experiment :: will be using faclab printers at Cergy Pontoise

3d printing experiment :: 
will be using faclab printers at Cergy Pontoise

 New Media :: From Ideas to Reality; and from virtual world of sl to rl :: 3d printing, melting plastic in sandwich machine, waffle machine, making real waffles 

3d printing, melting plastic in sandwich machine, waffle machine, making real waffles

Idea 1:
shredding plastic to make into filament; use mini shredder ie FilaMaker mini shredder
and then you could shred them and re make into 3d printing filaments

Idea 2:
You could recycle plastic by melting them into a paste - using sandwich iron/ waffle iron,  and use that as a solid material - see youtube

Step 1:: 28oct2014
-Bought two second hand waffle machines ; 2euros each. at Emmaus.
-One heart shaped single Belgian waffle machine 650watt
-One multi pattern thin waffle cookie machine, 1000watt

Idea 3:
using sl as virtual world art studio, build an object, export to real life
use filament to print them out

First such object created on 27, 28Oct 2014 ; Personalised print-on-demand mug.

A customised personalised mug - with the letter "M"

 A customised personalised mug - with the letter "E"

Object Two::
A section of a HuaHui Dome, modular unit

New Media :: Ideas to reality from sl to rl :: 3d printing, melting plastic in sandwich machine, waffle machine, making real waffles

New Media :: From Ideas to Reality; and from virtual world of sl to rl :: 3d printing, melting plastic in sandwich machine, waffle machine, making real waffles 

3d printing, melting plastic in sandwich machine, waffle machine, making real waffles

Idea 1:
shredding plastic to make into filament; use mini shredder ie FilaMaker mini shredder
and then you could shred them and re make into 3d printing filaments

Idea 2:
You could recycle plastic by melting them into a paste - using sandwich iron/ waffle iron,  and use that as a solid material - see youtube

Step 1:: 28oct2014
-Bought two second hand waffle machines ; 2euros each. at Emmaus.
-One heart shaped single Belgian waffle machine 650watt
-One multi pattern thin waffle cookie machine, 1000watt

Idea 3:
using sl as virtual world art studio, build an object, export to real life
use filament to print them out

First such object created on 27, 28Oct 2014 ; Personalised print-on-demand mug.

A customised personalised mug - with the letter "M"

 A customised personalised mug - with the letter "E"

Object Two::
A section of a HuaHui Dome, modular unit

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

New Media : facebook videos :: seahorse giving birth

Sunday, October 26, 2014

New Media : Rejected Cartoons of New Yorker Magazine

This rejected New Yorker cartoon might just be the best New Yorker cartoon of all time

by Joey deVilla on October 20, 2014
- See more at:
 This rejected New Yorker cartoon might just be the best New Yorker cartoon of all time
by Joey deVilla on October 20, 2014

This rejected New Yorker comic comes from The Best of the Rejection Collection: 293 Cartoons That Were Too Dumb, Too Dark, or Too Naughty for The New Yorker, and it would’ve been one of their most-recirculated had it been approved — maybe even bigger than this one.

If you don’t get the joke, ask anyone who has a dog. And in case you were wondering, the proper response for such a question — unless you’ve got some really relaxed boundaries (and hey, more power to you) — is “I’m your friend, but I’m not that friend.”

This rejected New Yorker comic comes from The Best of the Rejection Collection: 293 Cartoons That Were Too Dumb, Too Dark, or Too Naughty for The New Yorker, and it would’ve been one of their most-recirculated had it been approved — maybe even bigger than this one.
This rejected New Yorker comic comes from The Best of the Rejection Collection: 293 Cartoons That Were Too Dumb, Too Dark, or Too Naughty for The New Yorker, and it would’ve been one of their most-recirculated had it been approved — maybe even bigger than this one. If you don’t get the joke, ask anyone who has a dog. And in case you were wondering, the proper response for such a question — unless you’ve got some really relaxed boundaries (and hey, more power to you) — is “I’m your friend, but I’m not that friend.” - See more at: If you don’t get the joke, ask anyone who has a dog. And in case you were wondering, the proper response for such a question — unless you’ve got some really relaxed boundaries (and hey, more power to you) — is “I’m your friend, but I’m not that friend.”
- See more at:
This rejected New Yorker comic comes from The Best of the Rejection Collection: 293 Cartoons That Were Too Dumb, Too Dark, or Too Naughty for The New Yorker, and it would’ve been one of their most-recirculated had it been approved — maybe even bigger than this one.
If you don’t get the joke, ask anyone who has a dog. And in case you were wondering, the proper response for such a question — unless you’ve got some really relaxed boundaries (and hey, more power to you) — is “I’m your friend, but I’m not that friend.”
- See more at:
This rejected New Yorker comic comes from The Best of the Rejection Collection: 293 Cartoons That Were Too Dumb, Too Dark, or Too Naughty for The New Yorker, and it would’ve been one of their most-recirculated had it been approved — maybe even bigger than this one.
If you don’t get the joke, ask anyone who has a dog. And in case you were wondering, the proper response for such a question — unless you’ve got some really relaxed boundaries and hey, more power to you) — is “I’m your friend, but I’m not that friend.”
- See more at:
This rejected New Yorker comic comes from The Best of the Rejection Collection: 293 Cartoons That Were Too Dumb, Too Dark, or Too Naughty for The New Yorker, and it would’ve been one of their most-recirculated had it been approved — maybe even bigger than this one.
If you don’t get the joke, ask anyone who has a dog. And in case you were wondering, the proper response for such a question — unless you’ve got some really relaxed boundaries (and hey, more power to you) — is “I’m your friend, but I’m not that friend.”
- See more at:
i have an enormous favor to ask you

New Media : photography :: HK small apts/ Benny Lam

Hong Kong is among the most competitive business environments in the world. Over 100,000 people live in cubicle apartments measuring only 40 square feet. These spaces are overcrowded, sometimes with entire families living in one room. They have no choice but to use these tiny spaces as a living room, bedroom, kitchen and study. Entire families occupy one bedroom apartments, while the smallest apartment is 28 square feet with size of around 4′ x 7.’ While our city seems prosperous, many people still live in unacceptable conditions. Sponsored by Society for Community Organization (SoCO), an ONG based in Hongkong, which defends basic rights for all, Benny Lam photographs from above the poverty that is all too real for these unlucky masses. Society for Community Organization (SoCO) (香港社區組織協會) is a non -governmental and human rights advocacy group in Hong Kong. The group was founded in 1972 by church members. It is also financially supported by donations from various churches, overseas funding, the Community Chest and individuals. The group has organized community social actions and civic education programs in order to encourage the political participation of the population.
Benny Lam graduated from the Ontario College of Art and Design in Canada, with major in advertising and minor in photography. He is proficient in creative communication through graphics and pictures. Over the past 15-plus-years he had made his mark in the advertising circle with strong acumen in art direction and photography.
images source:

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Cabinet of Curiosity ::

Cabinet of Curiosity ::

Cabinet of curiosities

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Musei Wormiani Historia", the frontispiece from the Museum Wormianum depicting Ole Worm's cabinet of curiosities.
Cabinets of curiosities (also known as Kunstkabinett, Kunstkammer, Wunderkammer, Cabinets of Wonder, and wonder-rooms) were encyclopedic collections of objects whose categorical boundaries were, in Renaissance Europe, yet to be defined. Modern terminology would categorize the objects included as belonging to natural history (sometimes faked), geology, ethnography, archaeology, religious or historical relics, works of art (including cabinet paintings), and antiquities. "The Kunstkammer was regarded as a microcosm or theater of the world, and a memory theater. The Kunstkammer conveyed symbolically the patron's control of the world through its indoor, microscopic reproduction."[1] Of Charles I of England's collection, Peter Thomas states succinctly, "The Kunstkabinett itself was a form of propaganda"[2] Besides the most famous, best documented cabinets of rulers and aristocrats, members of the merchant class and early practitioners of science in Europe formed collections that were precursors to museums.

Gem corn 2014 diff places

Central Germany harvest 2014 ::Jacinda Richman's : planted in June, harvest near end of Oct
Dominic Diaz

Martina Cross :: Bavaria  2014

Torrey Neel :: Encinitas CA, USA

Joe Avery ::Fallbrook CA, USA

Torrey Neel ::

Nanna Mayer ::

glass gem from Bill McDorman at Grain School by Native Seeds/SEARCH a year back. Bill McDorman and Belle Starr from Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance are here at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs to speak to our students about the importance of saving the seeds we grow. Breakfast included Chapolote corn.

Larry Stephens ::

Dan Qualls ::

Patti Beaman Fix ::

This stalk of glass gem popcorn has SIX ears! At first glance it appears to have five, but the center set is made up of two ears, one of which is a "twin" to the second ear from the top. This is the only stalk I've identified with more than three ears. There are a bunch of tillers, but most of them don't have silk yet, but they are producing tassels to help pollinate (see the tassels to the right of the featured stalk.) Located in NE Colorado. Planted in mid-May.

Tina Dare-Della Mahri ::
These are the corn plants that grew from non-GMO corn seeds that Blythe Pelham sent me. They are called "glass gems".
Bill is 6 ft tall. They seem to be averaging 3 ears per plant.
Thank you, Blythe!


 Ken Wood This corn is now 7' to 10' and has 5-7 ears per plant, most main stems with 3 ears and some tillers with 1 or 2.

Anthony Boutard says, "...side shoots contribute substantially to the productivity of the plant and should be left alone." (pg 101-102 'Beautiful Corn')

 Mindy Lambton Hughes

 Harvested over a pound of kernels from my tiny cornfield in Mesa, AZ. Some to save, some to pop and some to swap.
Pete Petrosky :: 
 So MK::
five days after planting seeds

Jordan Ryan Schaub's corn patch ::
gem corn farther back right hand side - size of a corn patch

Katje Lilith Sabin :: 
Mindy Lampton Hughes::
Since Glass Gem is a popcorn it should be harvested when the leaves turn brown. The brightest, most intense colors can be found when the outer leaves are brown but the interior leaves are still moist.

Looks like you have a couple more weeks, keep watering, tops will turn brown where it is white. 

Lindsay Mills :: corn and beehive in the back


Robin Simmons ::